Configuring Generic Actions

A Generic Action can be configured for any Tool and allows the administrator to expand upon existing action template using XML fragments to apply to a user defined Rule if needed. For example, Invoking a SmartSolve API to enter Regulatory Bodies automatically to a Complaint record based on the Finished Product selected by the end user in the complaint. Generic Actions can be configured for any of the tools.

  1. From the Administrator Tools tab on the SmartSolve Portal Page, click Designer > Workflow Designer.
  2. Create a new workflow or open an existing workflow.
  3. On the design canvas, left click to highlight the toolobject.

  1. Click the On Submission, On Route, On Entryor On Exit tab in the Properties panel.
    Result: The Validation Rules/Actions window is displayed.
  2. Click the Add Action drop down button and select the Generic action option.
    Result: The Action window is displayed.

  1. Enter the information in the following fields:
  2. Field Definition


    Enter the name of the action.


    Associate a rule with the action, an example of which would be, if the action needs to be executed conditionally based on the result of the rule.

    XML Fragment

    Enter the Fragment of XML that defines the custom action. It could be a whole rule node (start with Node <Rule>, in which case the conditions should be specified in the XML fragment, not the rule attribute above), or just a list of actions (start with node <Actions>).

    If it is just a list of actions and the actions are conditional, you can associate a rule through the Rule property above.

  3. Click the OK button to save the action.


Monday, September 16, 2019
9:52 AM